This blog was co-written by the PSData team.
The Peace and Security Data Hub (PSData) is an open data portal managed by the United Nations Departments of Peacekeeping, Peacebuilding and Political Affairs (DPPA-DPO). The Secretary-General’s Data Strategy encourages the UN family to build strong partnerships for insight and connect better with global data ecosystems. It is in this spirit that the PSData team has made all of their data available on the HDX platform, further exposing it to the humanitarian community.
As of February, there are 62 peace and security datasets on HDX. They cover topics ranging from air assets used across peacekeeping and political missions to annual budgets and funding. The data is shared through an Application Programming Interface (API), ensuring the latest data is always available and in sync across platforms.

This new data builds on the four datasets that the PSdata team shared on HDX in March 2018. This includes data on countries contributing peacekeepers by gender, countries contributing peacekeepers by troop rank, fatalities in peacekeeping operations, and active peacekeeping missions. Over the past six years, these four datasets have collectively been downloaded over 20,000 times by users in over 170 countries and territories.
We hope this collaboration will strengthen data sharing and informed decision-making in peacekeeping and humanitarian response. For more information or to contact the PSData team, visit their site.