Data on HDX is shared through organisations. You need to be a member of an organisation (with appropriate privileges) before you can contribute data. If you have data to share, you can either request to create a new organisation or ask to join an existing one. (See the Organisations section above.)

There are three ways to share data on HDX:

Public – Data shared publicly is accessible to all users of the HDX platform, whether or not they are registered. All public data must be shared under an appropriate license. Select the ‘public’ setting in the metadata field when uploading data.

Private – Organisations can share data privately with their members. The administrator of each organisation controls who can become a member. The default visibility is set to ‘private’ when uploading new data. Once shared, private datasets are only listed on your organisation page (make sure you are logged in to see them). They will not be included in search results or the data list page.To make data accessible to HDX users, the contributing organisation needs to change the visibility to public.

By Request – Organisations can share the metadata of a dataset and grant access to the underlying data when requested by a registered user. See how to share and request metadata only datasets through these slides.

Sensitive data should always be shared via a secure channel, such as encrypted email or an encrypted file transfer service. Share the password to decrypt data separately via a different secure channel. You may want to establish a data sharing agreement before sharing sensitive data.

For more on responsible approaches to data sharing read this guidance note.

Learn more about how HDX handles sensitive data below.

Learn more about HDX Connect here: