There are 4 metadata fields that accept markdown which provides some simple formatting commands.

The “description”, “methodology:other”, and “caveats/comments” fields, as well as the description field for each resource attached to the dataset, all accept markdown formatting. The most useful markdown commands are outlined here:

Links can be entered like this:

[the linked text](

and will be rendered like this: the linked text
Italics can be indicated by surrounding text with single asterisks, like this:

*A bit of italics text*

Bold can be indicated by surrounding text with double asterisks, like this:

**A bit of bold text**

Bulleted lists must start with and be followed by a blank line. Each item in the list starts with an asterisk and a space:

* item 1
* item 2
* etc.

Numbered lists must also start with and be followed by a blank line. Each item starts with the number 1, a period, and a space:

1. First item
1. Second item. Note that the lines always start with a one followed by a period and space.
1. 3rd item
1. etc.