A dataset that satisfies the sub-category definition is considered as relevant for that sub-category. There are three main criteria for whether relevant data is included in the Data Grids: 1) disaggregated beyond the national level; 2) commonly-used formats; and 3) be up-to-date.
When a dataset meets all the criteria, it is marked as “available”. If the dataset meets most criteria, but is not up-to-date, then it will be marked as “not up-to-date”. If no dataset meeting the criteria for a subcategory is available on HDX, the sub-category is marked as “unavailable”.
The small square to the left of the dataset name indicates if the dataset is available (dark blue) or not-up-to-date (light blue), depending on how it meets the criteria for the Data Grids. In the latter case, hovering on a dataset name displays some comments about the limitations of the dataset. Learn more in our blog post about it.
A sub-category can be considered “not applicable” if the sub-category relates to data that is not relevant in the country .